Must be a current member of WHPRMS. Consideration will be given to professional expertise and involvement and service to the organization.
Job summary
Work with sponsors/vendors on the coordination and execution of educational webinars. Manage communication to membership to promote webinars (pre-promotion and follow-up). Work with copywriter to maintain consistent educational blogs on website. Manage blog promotion/communication to membership. Assist with Board Update communication to membership, as needed. Head up any other education initiatives.
Develop webinar timelines (including webinar outline/content deadlines for review and approval, technology setup testing, and setting date and time for webinar event)
Coordinate webinar logistics and details with sponsors/vendors
Manage pre-promotion of webinars on social media (work with Social Media Representative)
Deploy promotional eBlasts to members to promote upcoming webinars
Work with Web Master to verify webinar information is published on WHPRMS website
Manage follow-up communications to members, including sharing recorded webinar/presentation slides with attendees
Work with copywriter to ensure blog posts are developed monthly, providing blog topics as needed
Work with Website Representative to ensure blogs are published on WHPRMS website
Work with Social Media Representative to ensure blogs are promoted on social media
Works with Conference Planning Committee to choose keynote and breakout session speakers at the annual conference
Execute eBlast communication to promote blog posts to members
Assist with Board Update communication to membership (eBlasts, etc.), as needed
Share WHA and SHSMD updates with members
Head up any other education initiatives, including the exploration of combining educational opportunities with networking events (providing additional professional development opportunities)
Actively participates in board meetings and decisions
Communicates WHPRMS’ services and board actions to members
Efficiently utilizes available resources, seeking board approval for any unbudgeted activities/expenditures
Performs other related duties as requested by the president
Attends at least four board of director meetings/phone conferences annually, either in-person or via phone. Special exceptions will be made upon approval by the president
Updates job description if needed and forwards to the president